4. Command-Line Reference

4.1. Usage Form

Invocations of ptulsconv take the following form:

ptulsconv [options] IN_FILE

4.2. Flags

-h, –help

Show the help message.

f FMT, –format=FMT

Select the output format. By default this is doc, which will generate ADR reports.

The other available options are raw and tagged.

4.2.1. Informational Options

These options display information and exit without processing any input documents.


Display information about available output formats.


Display information about tags that are used by the report generator.

4.3. Alternate Output Formats

4.3.1. raw Output

The “raw” output format is a JSON document of the parsed input data.

The document is a top-level dictionary with keys for the main sections of the text export: header, files, clips, plugins, tracks and markers, and the values for these are a list of section entries, or a dictionary of values, in the case of header.

The text values of each record and field in the text export is read and output verbatim, no further processing is done.

4.3.2. tagged Output

The “tagged” output format is also a JSON document based on the parsed input data, after the additional step of processing all of the tags in the document.

The document is a top-level array of dictionaries, one for each recognized ADR spotting clip in the session. Each dictionary has a clip_name, track_name and session_name key, a tags key that contains a dictionary of every parsed tag (after applying tags from all tracks and markers), and a start and end key. The start and end key contain the parsed timecode representations of these values in rational number form, as a dictionary with numerator and denominator keys.